Your pleasure holidays

A delicious 5-course menu in a gourmet restaurant, a tasty pizza in an authentic Italian pizzeria, exquisite speck with alpine cheese, traditional dumplings or many more South Tyrolean delicacies in rustic mountain inns - the many talented chefs will leave you speechless! Thanks to its sunny climate, with warm days and cool nights, the high-quality culinary products of the Val Venosta are at the forefront and their reputation extends far beyond the borders of our region.
Particularly popular products are:

Pala Pear
The typical Val Venosta pear grows at about 900 m altitude and has an intense flavour. The tasty pear variety is cooked into many delicious desserts and is only available for a short period of time every year.

Vinschger Paarl Bread
This easily digestible bread made of sour dough consists mainly of rye, wheat and spelt flour, seasoned with local herbs such as bread clover, fennel and caraway. Topped with some traditional “speck”, alpine cheese or the local smoked “Kaminwurzen”, the Paarl bread tastes just delicious.

Local cheese specialities
The Upper Val Venosta is the heart of cheese delicacies. Traditional cheeses are made by hand on alpine mountain pastures. The Burgusio village dairy is particularly well-known in the German-speaking area. Not to be forgotten: the goat cheese farmers and farm dairies.

The sweet and low-calorie strawberries from the nearby Val Slingia and Val Martello are rich in fibre and minerals. You can experience their exquisite flavour in jams, ice cream or the traditional sweet strawberry dumplings.

Val Venosta apricots
The sweet, yellow-orange apricots find an exceptional soil in Val Venosta. Thanks to the high temperature range and low rainfall, the local apricot is cultivated around the village of Laces. The sweet apricot dumplings and homemade jams are a real treat!

The crunchy Val Venosta apples grow up to an altitude of 1,100 m and get an excellent taste, thanks to a prevailing microclimate. And what could be more delicious than biting into a crisp apple or enjoying a tasty piece of apple strudel?

Many specialty weeks, rustic mountain inns, Italian pizzerias and local restaurants invite you to experience the Val Venosta quality products. A real treat for your palate!

Culinary pleasure in the Venosta Valley

Restaurants and more...
Huts: Greinhof, Giernhof, Tendershof, Sesvennahütte, Weisskugelhütte, Oberetteshütte
Mountain huts: Bruggeralm, Reschner Alm, Melager Alm, Planeiler Alm, Alm Planbell, Matscher Alm
Michelin restaurants: Ortlerspitz ***s, Waldkönigin ****, Traube-Post ****, Mohren-Plavinna ****
Restaurants: Berggasthof Plagött, Alpenrose, Hotel Lamm, Agethle, Hotel Greif,
Pizzerias: Katrin, Zum See, Lamm, Lampl, Remo

Your gourmet holiday

South Tyrolean wine

Wine passionates and gourmets will feel at home in the Venosta Valley! Numerous small wineries and niche wines earned their place in the wine scene. Did you know that the inhabitants of the Venosta Valley claim that wine was cultivated on a hill above San Valentino alla Muta already in Roman times? Returning to the present day: the highest vineyard in South Tyrol is located just in the Venosta Valley under the Abbey of Monte Maria.

South Tyrolean liqueurs and fine spirits

Did you know that Italy's first whisky distillery is located in the town of Glorenza? Originally the Venosta Valley was known for its tasty apricot distillates.
Tip: We recommend a visit to the Puni distillery in Glorenza, as well as the small Fohlenhof agricultural distillery and the Secci distillery, which produces some of its spirits at more than 2000 m in altitude.

Local cheese specialities

The Upper Val Venosta is the heart of cheese delicacies. Traditional cheeses are made by hand on alpine mountain pastures. The Burgusio village dairy is particularly well-known in the German-speaking area.
Not to be forgotten: the goat cheese farmers and farm dairies!

South Tyrolean Speck from the Venosta Valley

The local smoked delicacy and the traditional smoked salami “Kaminwurzen” are characterised by the exceptional smoking process using larch wood that is predominant in the area. The nature-oriented production, the spice mixture and the smoked and air-dried production method, make the Venosta Valley speck so special.
Tip: We recommend you to try the speck from the farm shop Aft Mult!